Welcome, Friends

Meet Nakéd Sunday. 

At Naked Sunday, we're the friend who's well-versed in medical lingo but knows how to translate it into plain English. Ever had a question about your health that sent you spiraling down the internet rabbit hole, only to emerge more confused and anxious than before? Yeah, we've been there too.       

That's why we're on a mission to make health and wellness more understandable and accessible to all, helping you navigate through the intricate maze of medical information without resorting to those panic-inducing late-night Google searches. We believe that understanding your body shouldn't require a medical degree, and that's why we're here: to make it all simple, accessible, and even a little bit fun.                 

(A Modern Wellness Guide) 

Redefining and reshaping the way we think about health. 

as seen in:

Must Read


“I've Been in Monogamous and Non-Monogamous Relationships—Here's How I Handle Jealousy ”

Because jealousy is a natural emotion, but it doesn't have to control us.

Snippets From Chloé's Love (Mis)Adventures

“Remember When I Said I Was Going on a Sex Cleanse? Here's Why That Was a Terrible Idea.”

 So...about that cleanse? Not my finest moment.

The Time Camille Took a Page Out of Gwyneth's Wellness Book...

“I Tried a Vagina Steam and It Wasn't as Glamorous as Gwyneth Paltrow Made It Seem.”

Picture this: me, a towel, some herbs, and a whole lot of expectations...

Yes we know, this is Chrissy Teigen and not Camille ...but use your imagination here. 


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